The project was launched before the Tariffs were introduced, with a budget of 25,000 rubles per month, which is lower than the current cost of the Professional tariff. This budget made it possible to purchase 2,677 crowd-sourced links with a total budget of 254,779 rubles.
The average cost of a link was just over 95 rubles.
Donor sites have indexed the established links very well - you can see that in the screenshot of the statistics.
Yandex - 1674 links indexed.
Google - 1,580 crowd-links out of 2,633 existing at the moment.
Traffic from websites more than doubled in 11 months
The purchase of links was made with the restriction of domain zones of donor sites - crowdsourced links were allowed only from the zones .ru and .rf
In the course of the campaign, the crowd-sourced link purchase settings changed several times. The main strategy that the customer used was to gradually increase the volume of purchases based on the results of link placement and indexing in the previous period. On average, there was a +20% increase in buying volume per month.
The main emphasis was placed on the purchase of unanchored links to internal pages, to grow low- and medium-frequency queries for product categories of the site. Initially, the site had good positions for many high-frequency queries:
The strategy of buying unanchored links to increase the positions of medium and low-frequency queries is fully justified. Search engines respond positively to crowdsourced links from trusted donors with good quality indicators. The six-fold increase in search traffic over 11 months is a clear proof of that.