The project was launched before the Tariffs were introduced, with a budget of 30,000 rubles per month - this roughly corresponds to the current cost of the "Professional" tariff. This budget allowed us to buy just over 1,700 links with a total budget of 141,349 rubles.
The average cost of a link was just over 80 rubles.
Donors of crowdsourced links showed a high percentage of indexed links placed.
Yandex - 1109 links indexed.
Google - 1,022 crowd-links out of 1,549 existing at the moment.
Growth of traffic from websites increased 30% in 4 months
The purchase of links was made without limiting the domain zone of the donor sites.
The campaign settings included a mix of 10/90 anchor and unanchored links on the home and backend pages of the site.
The majority of the internal pages were designed to use anchor crowdsourced links. At least 3 keywords were selected for each page.
In order to procure the crowd-sourced links, we added pages for the sale and rental of various types of real estate, as well as Russian regions, with the corresponding keywords (anchors). Most of the established links were to pages for the sale of apartments in new buildings in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar. This is due to the number of offers in these segments and regions.
This campaign showed good results in a short period of time due to its monthly budget and the number and speed of links entering the index of search engines. The distribution of anchor and anchorless placement allowed low-frequency queries to reach the top 1 of search engines in a fairly short period of time. Middle-frequency queries rose to the top 10, and most of the high-frequency queries showed positive dynamics, which has not been seen in a very long time.